Page 98 - PortaLuxclassic
P. 98

Sales conditions and guaranty  |   Condições Gerais de venda   |  Conditions générales de vente

                                                                  of the goods, is the buyer obliged to bring to the attention of all third parties which are
                     Conditions of sale                           transferring possession of the goods, the existence of proprietary.
                                                                  8.4. The seller is entitled to, trough any representative or agent, get the products immedia-
             The following general conditions of sale apply to transactions between the company PORTA   tely and to take ownership of them, wherever they are in power and whatever the source,
             XXI (supplier) and client (buyer).                   and all costs and expenses that the seller has to do and support to recover those goods it’s
             1.   Confidentiality:                                buyer’s responsibility.
             Any technical information, design or sales support sent by the supplier, cannot be used by   8.5. The seller has always the right to keep all the sums it has received from the buyer, not
             the client to sell competing products. All information given by the supplier in addition to   only as compensation for failure, such as compensation for the use and depreciation of the
             being owned by the supplier cannot be appropriated or used by the client for purposes other   product, and that alone, always in amount equal to 50% of the adjusted price.
             than those relating to the delivery itself.          8.6. Only with the full payment of the debits of the buyer it’s extinguishes the retention of
             2.   Manufacture:                                    title, from full ownership to the buyer.
             The supplier reserves to itself the right to change products and their manufacturing process   9.   Other conditions
             with a view to improving the manufacturing process and / or product.  Other than these conditions shall be valid only when accepted and confirmed in writing by
             3.   Prices:                                         the supplier.
             Prices are established in price lists at any time in force.  10.   Competent court
             3.1. The supplier reserves to itself also the right to change their price but should notify the   Any dispute arising from the supply or which may arise in interpreting implementation of
             client of these changes with a minimum of 30 days in advance.  trade relation between suppliers and customers shall have the jurisdiction of the district of
             3.2. Any product not included in the price list should be budgeted and the budget submitted   Braga, to the exclusion of any other.
             valid for 30 days.
             4.   Orders:
             All orders made by the client must be submitted in writing. Changes and cancellations of        Condições Gerais de venda
             orders are not accepted unless in writing, without prejudice to point 4.2.
             4.1. In the case of missing information in an order, the supplier will contact the costumer in   As seguintes condições gerais de venda aplicam-se às transacções efectuadas entre a
             writing within 48 hours maximum.                     empresa PORTA XXI (fornecedor) e o CLIENTE (comprador).
             4.2. Orders will be confirmed by the seller to the customer, given him the information of de-  1.  Confidencialidade:
             livery date. Upon receipt of this information by the client, the client has 48 hours to transmit   Qualquer informação técnica, desenho ou suporte comercial transmitido pelo fornecedor,
             in writing any change or cancellation of the orders. Once that deadline passed the supplier   não poderá ser utilizada pelo cliente para vender produtos concorrentes. Deste modo, toda a
             will not accept any modification or cancellation request by the client.  informação transmitida pelo fornecedor para além de constituir propriedade do mesmo não
             5.   Deadline:                                       pode ser apropriada ou utilizada pelo cliente para outros fins que não sejam os atinentes ao
             In the confirmation of the order is given an estimate of delivery. The date is only forecast and   próprio fornecimento.
             therefore not a deadline for delivery. This period may be change by the supplier, for reasons   2.  Fabricação:
             that are unrelated or of force major, the supplier may also make partial deliveries of goods   O fornecedor reserva-se o direito de alterar os produtos bem como o seu processo de fabrico
             when are justified.                                  tendo em vista a melhoria do processo de fabrico e/ou do produto.
             5.1. In the absence of gross negligence of the supplier, the modification of the delivery date   3.  Preços:
             do not provided the client the right lane to the cancellation of orders, refusal to pay, the   Os preços são os que constam nas tabelas de preço em cada momento em vigor.
             right of compensation or damages for any losses suffered.  3.1. O fornecedor reserva-se igualmente o direito de alterar as suas tabelas de preço, desde
             6.   Deliveries:                                     que avise o cliente dessas modificações com um prazo mínimo de antecedência.
             At the time of delivery the costumer should examine the product. So any complaint for   3.2. Todo o produto que não conste na tabela de preço deverá ser orçamentado apresentan-
             damages arising from the transporting, total or partial, should be made to the contracting   do a validade de 30 dias.
             carrier at the time of discharge and the supplier notified in writing within 48 hours.  4.  Encomendas:
             6.1. If the means of transport or means of delivery are determined by the customer, he will   Todas as encomendas feitas pelo cliente devem ser enviadas por escrito, não se aceitando
             be the only and absolute responsible for transport and all its effects, costs included, that   qualquer modificação de encomenda ou cancelamento que não seja transmitido por escrito,
             may result.                                          sem prejuízo do previsto em 4.2.
             6.2. If the costumer does not confirm in writing any complaint within 48 hours after delivery   4.1. Sempre que faltem informações numa encomenda, o fornecedor contactará por escrito
             it is understood that the provision of goods was made in full compliance.  o cliente num prazo máximo de 48 horas.
             7.   Guarantee:                                      4.2. As encomendas serão confirmadas pelo fornecedor para que o cliente seja informado
             The products PORTA XXI have a warranty period of two years from the date of delivery.  da previsão de entrega e, após a recepção pelo cliente desta informação, este tem 48 horas
             7.1. Products are no longer granted if:              para transmitir por escrito qualquer alteração ou cancelamento da encomenda. Uma vez
             - have been cut without prior verification of their compliance and quality;  ultrapassado esse prazo, não serão aceites pelo fornecedor qualquer pedido de alteração ou
             - have had improper uses by the customer;            cancelamento que venha a ser transmitido pelo cliente.
             - have been changed;                                 5.  Prazo de entrega:
             - have been assembled incorrectly, and               Na confirmação da encomenda está indicada uma previsão de entrega. A data indicada é
             - have not been cleaned with care and products specified by the supplier.  apenas uma previsão, não constituindo, assim um prazo definitivo de entrega, que poderá
             7.2. All complaints will be examined by the supplier and the supplier it’s the responsible to   ser alterado pelo fornecedor, por causas a que seja alheio ou de força maior, podendo ainda
             collect the products for analysis.                   fazer entregas parciais, que se justifiquem.
             7.3. In order to do the analysis, the customer must return the products in original packaging   5.1. Na ausência de culpa grave do fornecedor a alteração do prazo previsto para a entrega
             with the tag identification and a copy of the consignment note or invoice.  não confere ao cliente o direito à anulação de encomenda, a recusa de pagamento, a
             7.4. After the examination, if the conclusion says that the products was not provided in   compensações ou indemnizações, por eventuais prejuízos sofridos.
             quality, the supplier must do a credit note for products that are under warranty or make a   6.  Entregas:
             free replacement of them.                            No acto da entrega do produto o cliente deverá proceder ao seu exame, pelo que toda a
             7.5. Complaints not confer the right to any compensation for losses that come from them.  reclamação por danos de transporte do produto fornecido, totais ou parciais, deverá ser
             8.   Payments:                                       efectuada à entidade transportadora na hora da descarga e notificada ao fornecedor por
             For customers who purchase regular, is established the payment by check or bank transfer   escrito nas 48 horas seguintes à entrega.
             within 60 days of the invoice date. For products or special orders, the payment should be   6.1. Se o meio de transporte ou a forma de entrega forem determinados pelo cliente, será
             negotiated.                                          este, o único e absoluto responsável pelo transporte assim como todos os efeitos do mesmo,
             8.1. Any delay in payments higher than the dates previously agreed, will be charged interest   custos incluídos, que daí possam decorrer.
             at the statutory rate of commercial interest, without prejudice to point 8.2. and involves the   6.2. Se o cliente não confirmar por escrito qualquer tipo de reclamação dentro de 48 horas
             payment on the same date for all outstanding payment and obligations of the client, and   seguintes à entrega, entende-se que o fornecimento foi feito em total conformidade.
             the refusal of supplies and/or processing of new orders.  7.  Garantia:
             8.2. The products are supplied with express reservation of ownership until completion of all   Os produtos da PORTA XXI têm um prazo de garantia de dois anos a contar da data de
             obligation and payments due by the buyer.            entrega dos produtos.
             8.3. The reservation of ownership from the seller is not affected nor ends with the resale   7.1.  Perdem direito à garantia os produtos que:

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